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Spiders in the House? We Can Eliminate’Em!

Spiders in the House? We Can Eliminate’Em

Connecticut is obviously not like the Amazon rainforest but we do have quite a variety of spiders. Occasionally, spiders get into homes and can cause some folks quite a scare. Spiders often wander indoors–males especially–during mating seasons, to find shelter during cold Connecticut winters, or they live there regularly because of a dependable food source. All spiders may attempt to bite if provoked in some manner–including being trapped against your skin in sheets or clothing–but are not aggressive to the degree of actively searching out a human to bite.

Some of the most common spiders in our area are the American House Spider, Wolf Spiders, and (Yellow) Sac Spiders.
The American House Spider is originally from Europe and is most commonly found in houses across the country. It produces many “cobwebs,” at 1/8 to 1/4 inch the American house spider is not particularly large or small. Although this spider is in the same family as the dreaded black widow, it’s venom is not considered dangerous, although reports of allergic reaction have occurred. The spider has a large round abdomen and thin legs.

The Wolf Spider is mainly found outdoors but during the winter they do seek warmth and shelter in houses. These spiders are pretty mighty looking and are very quick. They don’t build webs but they are active hunters. They are the ones with those reflective eyes that are kind of creepy.

The (Yellow) Sac Spiders get their names from where they live. They do not build webs, but instead small sacs in corners typically high above the ground. Sac spiders are generally pale yellow, yellowish-green or beige in color, and a few species are commonly referred to as “Yellow Sac Spiders.” They are active at night and run quickly along walls and ceilings. If they are disturbed, they will quickly release and fall to the floor. Sac spiders are medically significant, their bites can leave necrotic wounds, similar–but often not as dangerous–to the bite of the Brown Recluse or Hobo Spider.

Eliminate’Em Pest Control Services offers same-day services and free estimates to eliminate Spiders. Professional technicians are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get rid of any insects (like Spiders!), rodents or wildlife that are causing damage or creating a nuisance in and around your home. We are family owned and operated. Don’t hesitate to give us a call!

(Source: eHow.com)

Spiders in house?

Spiders in house?