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    After working with an extermination company, you assume the pests have left your home for good – now what? You’ll likely adjust your habits – for instance, not leaving food out or trimming back the bushes – but the risk of rodents and bats returning still remains.

    When it comes to your health, home value and overall sense of comfort, never take a chance. Eliminate ‘Em Pest Control not only gets rid of the pesky intruders but offers a permanent pest-proofing solution to protect your home.

    Our exclusion and abatement services are a protective, long-term measure that takes into account how pests could re-enter your home and wreak havoc again.

    Exclusion Systems and Barriers

    The best way to keep pests out? Block them from entering in the first place. On your own, it can be a challenge to search for every crevice and hole a critter could crawl through. More often than not, you need the professionals to find and seal them up for true peace of mind.

    In general, exclusion systems take a three-pronged approach to keeping pests out for good:

    • Underground: Equipped with a permanent barrier, your deck, shed and other low-clearance areas factor in how rats, mice and other wildlife could crawl through or burrow into your home.
    • First Floor: From windows to holes, any potential opening from the foundation through your first floor is sealed up to protect the lower-half of your home.
    • Attics and Roofs: Your home’s upper half – including the attic up to your roof’s peak – our team installs guards along the soffit and fascia to keep out rodents, bats and other pests that search for gaps, cracks and other openings.

    Attic and Basement Services

    What you can’t see can’t hurt you, right? When it comes to pests in your home, nothing could be further from the truth. Your basement and attic, two places you likely do not check often, offer quick and easy pathways for a host of critters to enter. By the time you see them crawling on your home’s basement floor or rummaging through your kitchen, you’re dealing with a serious infestation.

    For this reason, our team’s exclusion and abatement services target these two key areas of the home:

    • Attic: Between their nests and gnawing, pests in your attic create a significant amount of damage. In turn, this affects your insulation, ventilation and soffits and causes urine and droppings to build up. With time, contaminants may circulate through your HVAC system, affecting allergies and exposing you and your family to diseases.
    • Basement: Moisture attracts anything from rodents to termites and, once these pests are inside, they might go after your insulation, damage the foundation or contaminate the area with their urine and droppings.

    When it comes to these two areas, how can we help you?

    • Remove old and damaged insulation to replace it with new materials.
    • Install our exclusion systems and seal off key areas to block out intruders.
    • Address any ventilation or water damage issues that the pests may have caused.
    • Remove all droppings and clean up urine, before disinfecting the area.

    Pest Exclusion

    Pests are more than a seasonal issue. Although the weather and conditions change, there’s always a chance an intruder will enter your home looking for warmth, food and nesting materials. One pest soon becomes a group or colony and at this point, all the traps in the world won’t alleviate the problem.

    In addition to removing the following pests, our exclusion and abatement services help you avoid future infestations by repairing related damage and setting up preventative measures:

    • Bats: After we remove these pests, per federal, state and local recommendations, we’ll install a one-way exclusion system, seal up your home for complete exclusion and clean up all urine and droppings.
    • Birds: With all pests, we start by cleaning up droppings, disinfecting areas, removing all nesting materials and performing repair services. To prevent future infestations, our team can install a range of deterrent devices, from netting to predator bird call boxes.
    • Rodents: From mice to raccoons, our team cleans up any nests, urine and droppings and sanitizes your home after trapping and removing all pests. Yet, because some rodents can slip through holes a half-inch wide or attempt to chew into your home, we fully seal off your dwelling and fortify it with our exclusion system.
    • Snakes: When snakes enter your home, we have a multi-step process to remove all traces and prevent further snake infestations from occurring.

    To take the next steps in pest-proofing your home, turn toward Eliminate ‘Em’s team of professionals.
    To discuss your needs and put together a plan, give us a call today at (866) 802-7378.