"The Best Service at the Right Price… TODAY!"
"The Best Service at the Right Price… TODAY!"

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    At certain times of the year, you just expect specific pests to be in and around your home. Perhaps, a few ants or bees in summer and mice in winter. As a result, you miss the early signs of an infestation. Typically out of sight, pests start arriving at your home – through small holes or the roof, although pipes aren’t out of the question – and begin to multiply. You only begin to regularly see them when they’ve found a dependable pathway or are being pushed out of the nest. By this point, your home may have experienced some degree of physical damage and you and your pets may have been exposed to serious illnesses. As a result, many home and business owners need a reliable Newtown pest control and exterminator.

    Yet, because some associate pest infestations with dirt and filth, few homeowners want to admit they have a problem. Therefore, the problems persist and homeowners turn to over-the-counter pest control solutions, like traps or sprays. Although these seem to work for a short period of time, they’re not permanent. As such, the infestation returns and you’re now looking for something stronger. Fortunately, an experienced Newtown pest control company, like Eliminate ‘Em provides permanent solutions.

    Reliable Newton Pest Control & Exterminator Services

    Professionals, like Eliminate ‘Em provide reliable exterminator and pest control services throughout Newton (and neighboring communities). For example, we provide more than just guidance. We provide solutions. As an experienced Newton pest control company, we get rid of your pests and find why they are coming into your home in the first place. Because of the urgency, we’re on call 24-7, letting you set up an appointment or even ask about our services at any time. Furthermore, our exterminators can come by that same day and will get rid of any and all pests with a single job. Otherwise, we’ll refund you in full for all services performed. How can we help?

    • Because few want to call attention to a pest infestation, our team can arrive in unmarked vans, per your request.
    • We comprehensively survey your Newtown property for all signs of pests, then present a solution to get rid of them and assist with cleaning up any damage.
    • We use safe, EPA-approved chemicals and pest control methods, so your health isn’t jeopardized.
    • Our team strives to get rid of all pests, no matter their location.
    • To prevent the pests from returning, we pass along information about preventing future infestations.
    • We offer “A”-rated customer service, per the Better Business Bureau.
    • We offer discounts to veterans and seniors.

    We operate across all seasons, as pest control in Newton, CT is a year-round endeavor. As such, our team can assist with removing:

    • Bats
    • Mice
    • Rats
    • Squirrels
    • Raccoons
    • All rodents
    • Sugar, pavement and carpenter ants
    • Bedbugs
    • Cockroaches
    • Termites
    • Carpenter Bees
    • Ticks

    When it’s clear your Newtown home has a pest control problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to Eliminate ‘Em.

    To make an appointment, call us today at (866) 802-7378.