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    Meal Moths open & closed wings image from EliminateEm pest control exterminatorMeal moths are small, winged insects that typically measure about 3/8 of an inch in length. These pests generally have brownish-red bodies, along with bronze-tipped wings. While they live up to 300 days, female meal moths lay between 60 and 400 eggs at a time, which means a few meal moths can lead to an infestation quickly. Additionally, meal moths are notorious for infesting pantry staples such as grains, flour, cereal, dried fruits, nuts, and pet food. These moths lay their eggs on or near food sources, and the larvae (caterpillars) that hatch from these eggs are responsible for causing damage as they feed. Once infested, it can be challenging to eliminate meal moths completely due to their ability to hide in cracks, crevices, and stored food containers.

    Inspection To Eradicate Meal Moths (& Pantry Moths)

    Meal moths, also known as pantry moths, can fly into your home through any opening – doors, windows and holes in screens. Most commonly, however, they are carried into your kitchen in your own grocery bags. These moths usually fly at night and lay eggs on dried foods (human and pet). As the pantry moth name implies, they are particularly attracted to spilled and exposed food and can easily get into containers of rice, pasta and cereals that have not been properly sealed. However, meal moths will also not necessarily confine themselves to areas where food is stored. They can crawl on ceilings and spin cocoons in any room in your house so inspections should not just be limited to the kitchen. To help prevent and manage meal moth infestations, it is essential to:

    • Inspect and Seal Food: Regularly inspect stored food items for signs of infestation and ensure they are stored in airtight containers or sealed packaging.
    • Maintain Cleanliness: Keep pantry shelves and storage areas clean and free of spills or crumbs that could attract moths.
    • Dispose of Infested Items: Discard any food items that show signs of moth infestation, including webbing, larvae, or damage.
    • Use Pheromone Traps: Pheromone traps can help monitor and reduce adult meal moth populations by attracting and trapping male moths.

    Damage By Meal Moths (or Food Moths)

    It is important to look for warning signs of meal moths (or food moths) because once in your pantry, then these moths can be tricky to eradicate. For instance, their eggs are only about .5mm in circumference and can take up to 14 days to hatch, which means it may not be evident that the food has been infested until it’s too late. As a result, it is important to immediately get rid of any potentially infested food. While meal moths create a nuisance, they generally do not carry any human-borne diseases. However, they can cause indirect health risks by creating food contamination and overall discomfort if any infested food is consumed. Fortunately, effective pest management strategies, such as proper storage practices and regular inspections, can help prevent and control meal moth infestations.

    Treatment To Eradicate Meal Moths

    Meal moths are able to work their way into surprisingly small openings so even things stored in Ziploc bags or Tupperware may not be safe. So, to keep your food (and family) safe, then consider a professional pest control provider who knows how to spot early signs and eradicate potential problems.

    Eliminate ’Em Pest Control Services provides you with fast, professional, courteous service and licensed technicians to handle all of your pest controlwildlife and inspection needs. Eliminate’Em Pest Control Services offers same-day services and free estimates to eliminate grasshoppers, along with other nuisance animals, such as antsmiceticks and more. Professional technicians are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get rid of any insects, rodents or wildlife that are causing damage or creating a nuisance in and around your home.

    Call (866) 802-7378 for Meal Moth Extermination Service!