How Rodents Affect Your Home’s Electrical System
When mice, rats and squirrels enter your home, they typically begin building their nests in your attic. In this location, you are less likely to notice them right away and the attic provides insulation through the colder months. The longer they live there, the more food and nesting materials they need, and their old habits…
Tips for Controlling Ants in Spring
First, you notice them on your countertops or scurrying across the floor – and there’s never just one. As the spring season approaches, you may start to notice more ants around your home as these tiny pests become more active during these warmer months. Ants in the spring season are in search of new places…
Does Your Home Have Carpenter Ants?
Once you discover your home needs carpenter ant control, the damage has already begun. These pests build nests consisting of a network of tunnels, spreading over time and creating structural damage. How did your home attract carpenter ants in the first place and when should you call a professional ant exterminator? 1. Carpenter Ants or…
How to Tell the Difference Between Mice and Rats
It’s every homeowner’s nightmare: You notice rodents in your home. Yet by size, you can’t tell if the uninvited guests are rats or mice. Although mice tend to be smaller, size is only one of several differentiating factors between these two rodents. Relation Across the globe, there are multiple species of rats and mice. Commonly,…
The Dangers of Raccoon Waste
If raccoons have invaded your house, it’s important that you undergo raccoon waste removal. Not only do these pesky critters cause property destruction, which can lead to fires, floods, or contaminated food, but their waste is also very dangerous. Raccoon feces and urine can spread diseases in your home. Raccoon waste looks like dog waste,…