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Survival Guide to Deter Squirrels From Your Yard

Watching the antics of a squirrel with your kids or while you drink your morning coffee may be an entertaining and enjoyable activity. However, this critter can be a problematic pest when it infiltrates your home, garage or garden and homeowners commonly look for the best strategies to deter squirrels from their land. To help,…

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The Dangers of Squirrels in the Attic

You may notice squirrels in the park or along the side of the road when you’re driving, but is it possible for one to enter your home? You might not realize right away, but a whole family of them could be living in your attic! Squirrels can scurry up trees, cross a branch and climb…

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What Damage Can Rodents Do to Your Home?

While no one wants to find mice, rats or other rodents in their home, many underestimate the damage they can create. One serious concern about rodent infestations is the diseases these creatures can spread to your family and pets. These seemingly small creatures – all of which can breed and multiply quickly – may cause…

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Why Rodent Infestations Are More Likely in Winter

This time of year, you prefer to stay indoors – so do rodents like rats, mice and squirrels. They also want a warm place, with plenty of nesting materials and food nearby. In response, several homes deal with rodent infestations once winter arrives and require professional rodent control services. In fact, according to the National…

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How to Keep Squirrels (& Other Intruders) Out of the Garden!

The physical activity or meditative qualities that gardening provides are enjoyed by young and old alike. Gardens and potted plants are often a celebration of vegetables, herbs, fruit, flowers, and other plant life. However, achieving one’s garden goals requires a concerted effort to keep squirrels out of the garden or potted plants, as well as…

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