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How Squirrels Can Damage Your House & Need for Their Removal

When squirrels are outside, playing in your yard and collecting acorns, they are harmless and essential to a balanced ecosystem. However, if they make their way into your home, they can do more damage to your home and property than you may think. You have to watch out for signs of squirrels’ nests; they like…

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How to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Attic

You may be having a peaceful evening in your home, watching your favorite television show on Netflix, when all of sudden, you hear a weird sound coming from upstairs. As you head up the stairs to investigate, it continues, and you realize that the noise is coming from your attic. Suddenly you realize: the sounds…

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Squirrel Teamwork!

Squirrels are much smarter than we give them credit for. Check this out: A client recently sealed up her soffit that squirrels originally got into, then 2 days later these same squirrels climbed back up the house and chewed into the wooden vent – the 2 squirrels (in this case) worked in tandem- taking breaks…

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