Why You Need Pest Control During the Winter
Everyone knows bugs die off during the winter, and many furry pests hibernate through the cold months. Because of this, it’s easy to ask why you should continue pest control visits during this part of the year. Here are a couple of pest issues to consider when heading into the winter months. It’s always spring…
4 Dangers of Raccoons
Ask anyone to name a raccoon, and you’ll get a variety of cartoon characters, from Disney movies and televisions shows. Or, you might get some choice nicknames for the thief upending their garbage cans in search of a meal. But raccoons are more than just entertainment or irritant. They can carry dangerous diseases and any…
How to Keep Squirrels (& Other Intruders) Out of the Garden!
The physical activity or meditative qualities that gardening provides are enjoyed by young and old alike. Gardens and potted plants are often a celebration of vegetables, herbs, fruit, flowers, and other plant life. However, achieving one’s garden goals requires a concerted effort to keep squirrels out of the garden or potted plants, as well as…
Wasp Stings: First Aid (And How to Avoid Them)
Avoiding A Wasp Sting One of the most common questions we are asked is “When do wasps sting you?”. This is a great question and there are plenty of myths and legends to go along with it. While some believe they are only out to take revenge on the human race and eventually take over…
How to Avoid Bed Bugs
From avoiding bed bugs at home to worrying about bed bugs in school, we have a lot of everyday risk to these nasty pests. Add in the fact that survey released by the National Pest Management Association shows that bed bug infestations are on the rise and we have even more to worry about. Additionally,…