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Mosquito Diseases: Increased Risks and Exposure Prevention

During outside activities, seeing or feeling the presence of mosquitos isn’t entirely unexpected even if it is unpleasant. While these pests shouldn’t deter anyone from outdoor fun, property owners should take precautions against potentially dangerous mosquito bites and the diseases associated with them. To reduce the risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases, take advantage of professional…

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Overview of New Tick Diseases on the Rise

Unfortunately, in recent years, there has been a drastic increase in the number of new tick diseases. In fact, according to John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the increase in annual tick-borne disease cases stems from growing tick populations. Additionally, the study notes climate changes, such as greater and longer availability of warm and…

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The Ultimate Guide to Repel Animals from Your Garden

To be able to eventually harvest or enjoy carefully planned, planted and nourished vegetation, novice and experienced gardeners alike understand the importance of repelling animals from their gardens. Keeping critters out of the garden requires the same dedication and adaptability as other planting considerations, such as crop planning or watering and fertilizing. While routine prevention…

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Top 50 Mosquito, Bugs & Pest Repelling Plants, Spices & Smells

From wildlife like rabbits, squirrels and deer to pests like ants, bugs and grasshoppers, there are plenty of critters to keep out of a garden. While pest control treats the underlying cause of an infestation, it may not be the ideal solution. For example, many people prefer an organic garden and seek natural pest control…

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5 Fantastic Tips to Keep Ants Away from Your Home & Yard

Ants may be tiny, but they can be a big nuisance when they invade your yard. Often, ants will appear on the driveway and cracks around the house. While this signals that your home is attracting ants, there are proactive steps to keep ants out of the house. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to…

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