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    Flies are generally found in homes, restaurants and supermarkets – especially in places where food is allowed to ferment and decay. Fruit flies are among these, but the most common variety of fly found in our area is the housefly, accounting for over 90% of fly infestations. Adult flies are 8 to 12 millimeters in length and primarily grey in color with four black stripes running along their thorax. They have no teeth, which means they often shoot saliva out of their mouths to predigest their meals. Female houseflies lay batches of eggs of up to 150 at a time. These eggs hatch into maggots within a day, ensuring that the cycle of infestation continues at a rapid rate. The summer months are particularly ideal for flies, as the increased heat accelerates decomposition, making their food resources even more abundant. Your meals, pet food, and trash cans full of garbage are all prime sources of nourishment for these nearly indestructible pests. If you’ve spotted flies around your home, and have exhausted all options on how to get rid of flies on your own, it may be time for professional fly control.

    Inspection For Flies

    Flies image from EliminateEm pest control exterminatorFlies love to congregate around your garbage cans, but if they make it into your home, a full inspection will find them hanging out in other areas. You’ll notice flies resting on the walls, floors and even ceilings of the rooms in your house. Outdoors, these summer bugs can be found virtually anywhere. It is important to make sure you keep trash contained in closed bins and promptly pick up all pet waste to reduce the likelihood of flies inhabiting your yard. Contact the fly exterminators at Eliminate ‘Em for professional fly inspection services.

    Damage By Flies

    While it is distracting to have flies buzzing past your head, not to mention unsettling to see them at all, these seemingly benign insects are disease carriers. They transmit pathogens as they travel, which can manifest in the body as a number of dangerous viruses and infections. Typhoid, salmonellosis, tuberculosis, cholera, food poisoning, eye infections and parasitic worms are only some of the threats to your health a housefly can bring into your home.

    Fly Control & Extermination

    Eliminate’Em Pest Control Services offers the fastest, professional, courteous service and licensed technicians to handle all your fly extermination needs. We offer same-day services and free estimates for fly pest control. Professional technicians are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get rid of flies that are causing damage or creating a nuisance in and around your home.

    Call Eliminate ‘Em (866) 802-7378 for Immediate Fly Control Services!