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How to Keep Grasshoppers Off Plants & Out of a Garden

During the traditional growing seasons (spring and summer), we aim to keep plenty of critters out of our gardens and away from our plants. From ants and slugs to rabbits and deer, ample amounts of wildlife disrupt our gardens, landscape, and property. One of these pests is the grasshopper, which starts to hatch in late spring, peaks in activity during the summer, and lays eggs (along with dying off) as the temperatures drop in the fall. So, to protect your gardens, it helps to understand why grasshoppers are attracted to various plants.

Like other garden pests, grasshoppers are mainly seeking food and shelter. As herbivores, grasshoppers feed on plant leaves, flowers, stems, and even fruit. Additionally, gardens provide a favorable habitat for its food, along with hiding spots and moist soil. Plus, grasshoppers require some sunlight (just like plants) to remain active, which means gardens are an ideal environment for them. But, what types of damage do grasshoppers cause?

Types of Damage Caused by Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers can cause significant damage to plants and gardens. While the most severe damage impacts commercial farmers, grasshoppers can still damage home gardens.

  • Grasshoppers are voracious eaters, which means they consume large quantities of foliage (mainly leaves) that reduces the plant’s ability to photosynthesize, weakening it and potentially stunting its growth.
  • In addition to leaves, grasshoppers may also chew on stems and flowers, which likely results in broken stems, damaged flower buds, and reduced fruit or seed production.
  • In gardens, grasshoppers can damage ornamental plants, including flowers, shrubs, and trees, which makes the garden less appealing and harms the health and growth of these plants.
  • Grasshoppers can also damage grasses, including lawns because they chew on grass blades, reducing the quality and density of turf.

Due to potential damage (and costs to address that damage), managing grasshopper populations is crucial to maintaining a successful garden.

How to Keep Grasshoppers Off Plants

Similar to keeping other pests off plants, there are a variety of natural and commercial methods to get rid of grasshoppers. At a high level, removing the preferred food source and environment is the key to keeping grasshoppers away from your plants.

  • Use Natural Repellents: Spray plants with neem oil, garlic spray, or hot pepper spray to deter grasshoppers, which are safe for plants, while also being effective in keeping the pests away.
  • Plant Grasshopper-Resistant Species: Adding aromatic herbs like basil, rosemary, and lavender into your garden, will deter grasshoppers because these plants emit strong scents that repel them.
  • Companion Planting: Incorporate “trap crops” like nasturtiums or sunflowers near vulnerable plants to divert grasshoppers’ attention.
  • Attract Beneficial Insects: Add a variety of plants, such as lavender, sage, or marigolds, that attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and praying mantises, which feed on grasshopper eggs.
  • Add A Physical Barrier: Cover plants with bird netting or garden netting to prevent grasshoppers from accessing them.
  • Manual Removal: Simply remove the grasshoppers when they are small, which can be done by hand or a strong jet of water to knock them off plants.

Additionally, it is worth noting that grasshopper infestations typically have a three-year life cycle. So, another method to keep them off plants (in future seasons) is disrupting the life cycle by gently scratching the top two inches of soil to expose grasshopper eggs, causing them to desiccate and die during the winter and early spring.

How to Keep Grasshoppers Out of Gardens with Pest Control

While natural repellents are ideal for keeping grasshoppers out of gardens (particularly if they grow fruit or vegetables), they may require professional pest control efforts. Interestingly, certain varieties of grasshoppers have population explosions every 11 – 20 years so it is important to always maintain grasshopper control around your garden. Plus, understanding the different types of grasshoppers can help target the treatment for your yard. So, if you are struggling with grasshopper infestations, consider reaching out to your local pest control company to help protect your yard and garden.

For those in Eliminate ‘Em’s service area, our expert team understands the most effective pest management strategies that control grasshopper populations and mitigate their potential negative effects. As grasshoppers feed on many types of plant life, from grasses to leaves to grains, they can cause immense damage. Plus, some varieties of grasshoppers use these same plants as a nesting ground to lay their eggs. Therefore, even a moderate grasshopper population can eat through and destroy tremendous amounts of foliage and crops. So, if you want to ensure that grasshoppers don’t make their way through your garden, make sure you get the professionals at Eliminate ‘Em to stop them before they start.

Eliminate ’Em Pest Control Services provides you with fast, professional, courteous service and licensed technicians to handle all of your pest control, wildlife and inspection needs. Plus, we offer same-day services and free estimates to eliminate grasshoppers, along with other nuisance animals, such as ants, mice, ticks, and more. Professional technicians are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get rid of any insects, rodents or wildlife that are causing damage or creating a nuisance in and around your home. Contact us today!