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Top 50 Mosquito, Bugs & Pest Repelling Plants, Spices & Smells

From wildlife like rabbits, squirrels and deer to pests like ants, bugs and grasshoppers, there are plenty of critters to keep out of a garden. While pest control treats the underlying cause of an infestation, it may not be the ideal solution. For example, many people prefer an organic garden and seek natural pest control remedies. Fortunately, there are plenty of fairly common scents and deterrents. To help, the following pest-repelling plants, spices and smells offer a starting point to control a pest or wildlife issue.

While various scents provide different degrees of effectiveness, it is important to understand the root cause of an infestation. Pests and wildlife seek food, water and shelter, which are frequently plentiful in gardens and backyards. As a result, it is important to realize that unless the underlying attraction is removed, pests will continue to seek these essentials. Ultimately, it is a trade-off that the pests will likely win, but finding a detant is a workable solution. Finally, these plants, spices and smells, repel many pests for a limited time, but will not prevent all pests. With wildlife, it is a constant game of cat and mouse, so if these natural pest repellents are not working in your yard and garden, then contact your local pest control company, such as Eliminate ‘Em for a consultation.

Top 50 Pest Repelling Plants, Spices, & Smells

In general, strong citrus and minty scents tend to smell nice to humans, yet are effective at deterring pests. For example, one of the most common repellents is the tiki torch! While some may doubt their effectiveness, studies show tiki torches do keep bugs away in a limited range. Tiki torches work by utilizing citronella oil which releases a smoke that confuses and deters mosquitoes when they are in close proximity to the flame. As a result, the smoke from tiki torches overwhelms a mosquito’s senses, making it harder for them to detect carbon dioxide and lactic acid that attracts them to humans.

In essence, the citronella oil provides a limited barrier and the following natural repellents work in the same manner.

Pest-Repelling Plants

Generally, incorporating these flowers and plants into a garden or throughout the yard helps repel many common summer bugs. For a better result, then plant the flowers around the edges of an outdoor space to help create a natural barrier.

  1. Petunias: These colorful flowers are more than just pretty; they naturally repel aphids, beetles, and tomato worms. Petunias can act as a protective barrier in your garden, keeping these common pests away from your vegetables.
  2. Marigolds: Marigolds are well-known for deterring mosquitoes and small rodents. Their strong scent acts as a natural bug repellent, making them a popular choice for garden borders.
  3. Chrysanthemums: Chrysanthemums contain pyrethrins, a natural insecticide that effectively repels ants, roaches, and fleas. Planting these flowers around your home can help reduce the presence of these pests.
  4. Geraniums: Geraniums are particularly effective against Japanese beetles and corn earworms. Their scent and the presence of natural compounds keep these destructive insects at bay.
  5. Nasturtium: This plant not only adds a splash of color to your garden but also repels aphids and caterpillars. Nasturtiums work well as a companion plant that protects other plants from pest damage.
  6. Lavender: Lavender’s soothing scent is disliked by mosquitoes, fleas, and moths, making it a great addition to gardens and outdoor spaces. Its essential oils act as a powerful natural insect repellent.
  7. Citronella: Citronella grass is famous for repelling mosquitoes and is often used in candles and other outdoor products. Planting citronella around seating areas can help keep mosquitoes at bay.
  8. Borage: Borage is a fantastic companion plant that repels tomato hornworms and cabbage worms. Its ability to deter these pests makes it a valuable addition to vegetable gardens.
  9. Alliums (e.g., garlic, onions): Alliums like garlic and onions are effective against aphids and cabbage worms. Their strong smell deters these pests while adding flavor to your dishes.
  10. Lemon Balm: The fresh, lemony scent of lemon balm repels mosquitoes and other flying insects. It’s a great plant to have around patios and garden seating areas.

Pest-Repelling Herbs

Like plants, ensuring some of these common herbs are integrated throughout a garden should help deter pests like ants, bugs, and slugs from ruining a summer’s worth of hard work.

  1. Basil: Basil is more than just a culinary herb; it repels mosquitoes, flies, and cabbage worms. Planting basil near doors and windows can help prevent these pests from entering your home.
  2. Rosemary: Rosemary’s strong scent is effective against mosquitoes and spiders. This hardy herb can be planted in gardens or kept in pots near outdoor seating areas.
  3. Sage: Sage repels mosquitoes and moths, making it a great choice for gardens and patios. Its strong aroma keeps these pests at a distance, and it’s also useful in cooking.
  4. Mint: Mint is a vigorous plant that deters mosquitoes and ants. However, it spreads quickly, so it’s best grown in pots to prevent it from taking over your garden.
  5. Thyme: Thyme is not only a flavorful herb but also repels cabbage moths and whiteflies. This herb can be planted alongside vegetables to protect them from these common pests.
  6. Oregano: Oregano repels mosquitoes and aphids, making it a beneficial herb for any garden. Its strong aroma helps keep these insects away while adding flavor to your meals.
  7. Catnip: Catnip is known to repel mosquitoes and other insects, even more effectively than DEET in some cases. It’s a great addition to gardens, especially if you have cats that enjoy the plant as well.
  8. Bay Leaf: Bay leaves are effective against flies and cockroaches, making them useful both in the garden and in the pantry. Placing bay leaves in cabinets or around the garden can help keep these pests at bay.
  9. Horseradish: Horseradish is particularly effective against Colorado potato beetles. Planting it near potato crops can help protect them from these destructive pests.
  10. Fennel: Fennel’s strong scent repels aphids and caterpillars, making it a good companion plant for vegetables. It also attracts beneficial insects like ladybugs that help control pest populations.

Pest-Repelling Spices and Other Smells

Additionally, for a quick remedy, then there are some common kitchen spices that can provide some relief for an infestation in the sandbox. Like the other natural barriers, then creating a solution and spraying around the impacted areas provides the most effective relief.

  1. Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a natural ant and cockroach repellent. Sprinkling it around entry points or in areas where these pests are common can help deter them.
  2. Cloves: Cloves are effective against mosquitoes and flies, making them useful for outdoor areas. Their strong, spicy aroma acts as a natural insect repellent.
  3. Peppermint: Peppermint is known to deter ants and spiders due to its potent smell. Using peppermint oil or planting the herb around your home can keep these pests away.
  4. Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus is highly effective in repelling mosquitoes and other insects. The oil extracted from eucalyptus leaves can be used as a natural insect repellent.
  5. Garlic: Garlic’s strong odor deters a wide variety of pests, including aphids, mosquitoes, and even deer. Planting garlic in your garden can help protect other plants from these nuisances.
  6. Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is effective against a variety of insects, including mosquitoes, ants, and lice. It can be used in sprays or diffused to keep these pests away from your home and garden.
  7. Lemongrass: Lemongrass contains citronella, which is well-known for repelling mosquitoes. Planting it around outdoor spaces can help reduce the mosquito population.
  8. Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil acts as a natural insect repellent, particularly against mosquitoes and flies. It can be used in diffusers or sprays for an aromatic and effective solution.
  9. Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper deters ants and other pests when sprinkled around garden beds or entry points. Its spiciness is a strong deterrent for many crawling insects.
  10. Thyme Oil: Thyme oil is effective against mosquitoes and flies. It’s a natural way to protect outdoor areas from these pests while adding a pleasant scent.

Additional Pest-Repelling Plants

For more options, the following plants may be difficult to find, but may offer a better solution. With any garden pest, then each situation differs slightly, so if these plants are available in your area, then they would be worth a try.

  1. Cilantro: Cilantro repels aphids and spider mites, making it a beneficial companion plant in vegetable gardens. Its strong aroma helps keep these pests at a distance.
  2. Chili Peppers: Chili peppers repel a variety of insects due to their intense heat. Planting them in your garden can help protect other crops from being munched on by pests.
  3. Echinacea: Echinacea attracts beneficial insects while repelling pests like aphids and beetles. It’s a great addition to any garden, promoting a healthy ecosystem.
  4. Sweet Annie (Artemisia annua): Sweet Annie is effective in deterring mosquitoes, making it a good choice for gardens and outdoor seating areas. Its aromatic leaves release a scent that mosquitoes find unpleasant.
  5. Scented Geraniums: Scented geraniums are particularly effective against mosquitoes. Their fragrant leaves release a natural repellent that helps keep these pests away.
  6. Tansy: Tansy is known to repel flies and other insects. Its bright yellow flowers add beauty to the garden while keeping unwanted pests at bay.
  7. Rue: Rue is known for repelling various pests, including fleas, Japanese beetles, and aphids. However, it should be planted with caution as it can be toxic to pets and humans if ingested.
  8. Bitter Orange: Bitter orange is effective in deterring mosquitoes and other insects. Its aromatic peel and leaves release a strong scent that keeps pests away.
  9. Coriander: Coriander repels aphids and spider mites, making it a useful herb in the garden. It’s often planted alongside vegetables to protect them from these pests.
  10. Pennyroyal: Pennyroyal is highly effective against mosquitoes and fleas. However, it should be planted with care, as it can be toxic to pets if ingested.

Other Natural Pest-Repelling Smells

In addition to many plants, flowers and herbs, there are other natural smells, such as oils that also repel pests. Like the other methods, then spraying around the edge of an area is the best approach to deter pests and critters.

  1. Cedarwood: Cedarwood’s strong scent is known to deter moths and other insects. Cedar chips or blocks can be placed in closets, drawers, or around garden beds to keep pests away.
  2. Neroli Oil: Neroli oil is effective against mosquitoes and can be used in diffusers or sprays. Its sweet, floral scent is pleasant for humans but repels many insects.
  3. Basil Oil: Basil oil acts as a natural insect repellent, particularly against mosquitoes and flies. It can be used in outdoor sprays or diffusers to keep pests at bay.
  4. Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil is a potent deterrent for spiders and ants. Using it around entry points or in garden areas can help keep these pests away.
  5. Lavender Oil: Lavender oil is known to repel mosquitoes and flies while adding a soothing fragrance to your outdoor spaces. It’s effective in sprays or diffused into the air.
  6. Lemon Verbena: Lemon verbena is known for repelling mosquitoes. Its fresh, citrusy scent keeps these pests at a distance while adding a delightful aroma to gardens.
  7. Basil Mint: Basil mint combines the repelling properties of both herbs, making it effective against mosquitoes and flies. It’s a great plant to have in areas where you spend time outdoors.
  8. Cypress: Cypress trees and their oil can deter insects with their strong, woody scent. Planting cypress around your yard can help create a natural barrier against pests.
  9. Sagebrush: Sagebrush is effective against various pests, including moths and ants. Its strong aroma makes it an excellent addition to gardens as a natural pest deterrent.
  10. Black Pepper: Black pepper is a natural deterrent for ants and other insects. Sprinkling it around problem areas can help keep these pests from invading your space.

Professional Pest Control Solutions

Working with a professional pest control provider helps provide peace of mind knowing that your home and family remain safe. After all, keeping bugs, insects, ants and other pests requires a combination of preventive measures, natural repellents, and careful management of your outdoor space. Ultimately, consistency is key as sprays wear off over time and animals learn to adapt. Therefore, regularly monitoring your yard and staying on top of major attractions (like standing water or overgrown grass) help ensure these pests a minor concern rather than a major problem. However, if these DIY tactics do not get the ants out of your garden, then consider pest control.

Our professional exterminators provide safe and effective pest control services. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can even come to your home or business same-day. Eliminate ‘Em’s pest management process includes a full inspection, pest extermination and cleanup, so all traces are removed. We will seal the entry points pests have previously entered through and will also provide information on how to prevent future infestations. We offer both residential and commercial pest control services.

When you call Eliminate ‘Em, you’re guaranteed the best pest control and extermination services at the best price. Our technicians are standing by to rid your home of summer bugs today! Additionally, Eliminate ‘Em offers your family fast, reliable, and safe pest removal. You can call us 24/7 and expect:

  • Knowledgeable, licensed and certified technicians
  • Sealed entry points, so that ants won’t come back in the future
  • Only EPA-approved solutions and products to be used in your home
  • Same-day service – and we’re always on time!

We’ll also help you build a long-term pest control strategy to prevent the ants from returning!

With these strategies, you can protect your yard and enjoy the fruits of your labor without the nuisance of these pesky critters.