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"The Best Service at the Right Price… TODAY!"

Why is Your Home Attracting Ants?

When warm weather arrives, you might expect to see an ant or two crawling around your property. In many cases, this instance is harmless. But if it’s recurring and the ants seem to be multiplying, your home could be attracting these pests – and may already harbor an ant infestation. If this is the case,…

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Tips for Controlling Ants in Spring

First, you notice them on your countertops or scurrying across the floor – and there’s never just one. As the spring season approaches, you may start to notice more ants around your home as these tiny pests become more active during these warmer months. Ants in the spring season are in search of new places…

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7 Common Types of Fall Pests

Many think, “Summer has passed, so the weather is too cold for ticks and other pests.” With fall, however, comes a new group of critters invading your home. If you think you’ve gone through the worst part of the year, think again, as the following may appear when temperatures drop: Rats and Mice Rodents appear…

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9 Tricks For Keeping Ants Out of the Kitchen

Right when the weather warms up, ants crawling down the walls and along counters are a sign that summer’s here. How do homeowners protect their home and family from the need to find a professional ant exterminator? In the summer, carpenter ants can be infuriating. For example, even when you keep the surfaces and floors clean,…

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Ant Infestations 101

An ant infestation is the last thing anyone wants in their home, office, or anywhere for that matter. Spring and summer are the peak season for homeowners to experience ant infestations here in New England. There are various different types of ants in the Northeast, some of which can be harmful to your home. These…

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