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3 Unusual Places Where You Can Pick Up Bed Bugs

bedsBed bugs are a big problem. These pests can dwell in just about any furniture object in your home. And then suddenly, after a night’s sleep, you end up covered in unsightly and irritating bite marks. Interestingly, at one point in time, bed bug infestations were associated with crowded, dilapidated buildings. While this problem appeared to fade for a few decades during the 20th century, they returned in the 1990s – likely correlated with increased travel. Now, however, the fact is, you can pick up bed bugs from any place you come into contact with people, including schools, dormitories, movie theaters and public transit. Without you noticing, they can latch onto your clothing and come back home with you. These critters are very small, hiding in mattresses and clutter, where their presence may be unknown for quite some time. Bed bugs are even known to be attracted to dirty laundry.

How to Avoid Bed Bugs

Where might you risk picking up bed bugs?

First, avoid the cheap hotels! As they say, you never know when you’ll come home with bed bugs! But while this piece of advice certainly holds true, these pests inhabit plenty of other spaces, ready to burrow into your clothing, attach to your bag, or hide in a crease. But, what are some other unusual places that are risky environments for bed bugs?

1. Anywhere You’d Spend the Night

Hotels aren’t unique. Anywhere human bodies spend the night turns into a habitat for bed bugs to reside:

  • Motels
  • Apartments
  • Barracks
  • Cruise ships
  • Cabins
  • Nursing homes

In these places, you don’t have to white-knuckle it. Instead, look for the following bed bug signs:

  • Rusty-looking spots, especially near mattresses
  • Bug casings or exoskeletons
  • A musty smell

With any of these rooms, bed bugs may be found in or on:

  • Mattresses and sheets
  • Window frames
  • Electrical plates
  • Floor and wall crevices and seams
  • Around cords, electrical wires, and pipes
  • Under nightstands and other furniture
  • Drapery or curtains
  • Loose wallpaper

As a tip, to lessen the chance you’ll carry one home, always hang your clothing in the closet and never leave them on the floor or furniture. And, have plastic bags on hand to envelop your bags and luggage.

2. Anywhere There Are People

You don’t only have to sleep for a few hours to attract bed bugs. Just going about your day in an indoor space increases the risk. You additionally might encounter these pests in:

  • Gyms
  • Clothing, any retail store, or place carrying merchandise
  • Storage units
  • Airports
  • Buses and other forms of public transit
  • Theaters
  • Restaurants
  • Office buildings
  • Libraries
  • Laundromats

3. Old Furniture

You never know why a homeowner discarded a piece of furniture. Was it simply out of style? Did the upholstery become worn? Or did it attract bedbugs? As a result, when you see a sofa, chair, or table resting on the side of a road, sold at a flea market, or discounted at a second-hand store, the risk of bed bugs remains. Is that deal worth it?

When you suspect bed bugs, get a hold of Eliminate ‘Em. Our team will come to your location to examine the signs and exterminate the pests. Contact one of our offices for more bed bug extermination information.