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"The Best Service at the Right Price… TODAY!"

White Nose Syndrome in Bats

As exterminators, we aim to protect you and your family from unwanted pests, critters, rodents and anything else that you don’t want in your house. For some, this may mean bats as well. After all, bats present a health risk because they may carry rabies, along with providing a feeding ground for dangerous fungus in…

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How to Banish the Unwanted Houseguest

From beetles to bats, grasshoppers to groundhogs, there are so many creatures out in the world just itching for the chance to become your permanent houseguest. It can sometimes even feel as though they’re trying to take over! So it’s important to remind yourself from time to time that you are the king (or queen!)…

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Bats in the Belfrey?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “bats in the belfry” at least once in your life. Maybe in reference to an old aunt, or perhaps that crotchety neighbor down the street with the impressive collection of lawn gnomes in his front yard… But if you actually have bats in the belfry and don’t know it, you…

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Why Do I Have Carpenter Ants In My Home In The Summer?  

Ah, summer. Sunny skies and warm weather make this a time we all look forward to – the end of school, the first swim, picnics and beach days. Unfortunately, “we” doesn’t just mean us humans. This time of year is also a favorite for many of our not so favorite pests and one that causes…

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Ever seen a baby bat?

 A Baby Bat This picture was taken after the parents of the bat were scared out of cellar. This little guy was stuck up in a corner all by himself; baby bats are not that dangerous at this age, but always should only be handled by a licensed professional! – this baby was about a…

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