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Termite Droppings but No Termites? Next Steps in Pest Control and Prevention

Spotting termite droppings is generally difficult due to the tiny size of these waste materials. The similarity of termite poop to common household items, like coffee grounds, and fecal matter from other insects like carpenter ants also complicates its identification. Typically, finding a pile of termite frass big enough to spot is a pretty clear indication of a termite problem. If you find termite droppings but no termites, call a professional termite exterminator for further assessment regarding the presence of termites on your property. Learn more below about why it’s important to contact the pest control company near you and to enlist termite prevention services.

Termite Droppings but No Termites: Hooray or Dismay?

Finding termite droppings but not termites may seem like cause for celebration. Termite droppings may linger from previous eradication efforts, especially if hidden in crawlspaces or other areas of infrequent inspection, but professional pest control experts should still be called in order to determine thorough termite elimination. They also can ensure that the droppings aren’t an indication of termites elsewhere on the property, which may eventually make their journey into your home. Finally, the discovery of any pest or wildlife excrement necessitates professional sanitation and deodorizing services for maximum safety of the household and reducing future interest by other critters.

Unfortunately, property owners should not count on termite poop being a remnant of previous extermination solutions, as companies often do thorough cleaning post-service. The best way to ensure that you do not have a current termite infestation is to have a professional termite inspection. The completion of this evaluation will confirm whether or not there are any other signs of termites that may be present in the home, in your yard or in any additional buildings on the property. After all, the reason that you may not see termites even if you do see their droppings is that they are most often hidden. Ultimately, there may be some dismay depending on the outcome of the inspection, but immediate action can result in long-term peace of mind regarding protection against termites and a variety of other potential pests.

Next Steps after Discovering Termite Droppings

As emphasized, the first step to take after discovering termite droppings is to call a professional termite specialist, schedule an inspection and learn the results of this evaluation. Then, elimination solutions will be executed if needed upon finding additional signs of termites (or any other pests and wildlife), including cleanup if you are working with Eliminate ‘Em. Whether the termite droppings but no termites resulted from a past termite issue or a present one, preventative care is vital for guarding against termites moving forward. To save money and protect your home and loved ones, here’s why pest control is worth it for prevention services:

  • Detailed inspections: Many people take great care to keep pests out of their homes and may even do their own routine property surveillance to keep an eye out for any potential problems. However, trained pest control technicians have a more extensive understanding of various insect and animal intruders, including their invasion tactics and signs of their presence. Consequently, setting up routine inspections of your property ensures its more thorough examination, the faster identification of any potential or existing problems, and the most effective solutions.
  • Personalized recommendations: In addition to services that the pest control companies may provide, they can also offer personalized guidance regarding what property features are potentially attracting termites. From airflow and drainage issues to the decaying tree stump that hasn’t yet been removed from the yard, your local Eliminate ‘Em team will be able to highlight concerns and the necessary remedies that will make your home less appealing to termites.
  • Exclusion and abatement services: In addition to site-specific recommendations, termite extermination companies may also offer additional services tailored to pest prevention. For example, exclusion and abatement services are a protective, long-term measure designed to keep pests out of your home. At Eliminate ‘Em, we take a three-pronged approach to block potential entry points starting with an underground barrier, then with sealing openings on the first floor and finally by installing guards in the attic and roof areas.
  • Attic and basement cleanouts: While they won’t be able to assist you with any clutter that you’ve accumulated in these areas, pest control providers can offer other important care measures. Some of these services include removing damaged insulation and installing new insulation, cleaning up waste and nests, and moisture evaluation and recommendations.

According to Progressive, termite damage and removal aren’t typically covered by home or renter’s insurance, because termite infestations are viewed as preventable. While inspections and termite treatments have costs in the hundreds, repairing termite damage can come with price tags in the thousands, not to mention the potentially greater impact on overall property value. Don’t hope for the best in the event that you find termite droppings but no termites. Instead, contact Eliminate ‘Em today to schedule preventative measures or for immediate service!