4 Ways to Protect Against Carpenter Bees
Now is the time of year for hearing experts talk about the best ways to get rid of carpenter bees. A problem in spring, these bees – larger than your average bumblebee and dark in color – burrow holes into wood. While they don’t eat it, the small holes cause structural damage over time. The…
4 Signs of a Bedbug Infestation
No larger than an apple seed and with a narrow body, bedbugs can squeeze into practically any crevice inside your home. As well, these pests enter with no clear sign. Often, because they’re active at night, they latch onto your clothing or go into your luggage while you’re traveling, and soon enough, you have bite…
Connecticut Spiders
It’s easy to identify a spider. That is, it’s easy to know that an eight-legged visitor is a spider. But knowing which ones are dangerous and which ones are not can be a challenge. It can be important, even life-saving, to know what kind of spider you have when you encounter one. In the US,…
Why You Need Pest Control During the Winter
Everyone knows bugs die off during the winter, and many furry pests hibernate through the cold months. Because of this, it’s easy to ask why you should continue pest control visits during this part of the year. Here are a couple of pest issues to consider when heading into the winter months. It’s always spring…
4 Dangers of Raccoons
Ask anyone to name a raccoon, and you’ll get a variety of cartoon characters, from Disney movies and televisions shows. Or, you might get some choice nicknames for the thief upending their garbage cans in search of a meal. But raccoons are more than just entertainment or irritant. They can carry dangerous diseases and any…